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Problems with the tax authorities and tax assessment

Tax assessment is undoubtedly one of the most important activities for the success of a business. As well as being a legal obligation, it contributes to maintaining the company’s financial health, thus ensuring its compliance with tax laws and the full operation of its activities.

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However, the Brazilian tax scenario is characterized by its remarkable complexity. The existence of different tax regimes at municipal, state, and federal level, with varying rates, makes life very challenging for managers. It is easy to make mistakes in the tax assessment process, making attention to detail a fundamental requirement.

Certain errors in returns will result in the company being notified by the tax authorities to make corrections or include additional information and may be liable to an infraction notice and payment of a fine. Corrections and the inclusion of additional information are necessary procedures to ensure that declarations comply with applicable tax laws and regulations.

What errors are we talking about?

The key to correct tax returns is to be thorough and consistent when keeping records in the ledger. So, develop a system or use specialized software to keep all these important tax records in one central place.

When you have so many things to keep track of, it can be easy to overlook an important deadline, but you need to be aware: anyone who fails to submit their income tax return or fails to pay the tax due by the established deadline will be subject to fines.

To avoid fines, consider keeping a tax calendar with the main dates. And don’t forget to set aside time, as the process can take longer than you think. Even if you miss a deadline, try to submit your return as soon as possible, as this could help you avoid a fine or reduce the amount you must pay.

Some costs are categorized as deductible expenses, which means that they can be subtracted from income, thus reducing the amount on which taxes will be calculated. Unfortunately, many people fail to claim all the deductions to which they are entitled and consequently end up paying more tax than necessary.

In addition, choosing the wrong tax regime can also lead to extra costs for the company. National Simple, Actual Profit or Presumed Profit? Get to know the legislation well enough to choose the most advantageous option.

Investing in resources and knowledge to deal with tax complexity is essential for the longevity of any business in Brazil. Hiring professionals specializing in taxation can be a good strategy for ensuring efficiency in tax calculation, minimizing risks, and ensuring that the company operates in compliance with tax regulations.

At Pryor Global, we specialize in accounting, tax, finance, and payroll. We provide services to international companies from a wide range of sectors, working in a focused and structured way and optimizing the productivity of our clients’ internal processes.

Contact us and find out more about our services!

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