
A new chapter in tax reform
A reforma tributária brasileira avança com a recente aprovação do projeto de lei complementar (PLP 68/2024) pela Câmara dos Deputados, consolidando mudanças importantes para o sistema fiscal. Vale relembrar que a proposta visa substituir tributos federais, estaduais e municipais por um sistema dual de Imposto sobre Valor Agregado (IVA), dividido entre a Contribuição sobre Bens e Serviços (CBS) e o Imposto sobre Bens e Serviços (IBS).

Bureaucracy in Brazil and the challenges for foreign investors
O Brasil é um dos países mais burocráticos do mundo, e essa não é apenas uma percepção dos empresários, mas um fato comprovado. Em 2021, o país ocupou a primeira posição de um ranking elaborado pelo Banco Mundial. Essa situação está enraizada em um sistema regulatório que exige inúmeros registros e autorizações, tornando o processo de estabelecimento ou manutenção de empresas desafiador.

Companies must adopt mental health management plans by 2025
Ministry of Labor and Employment establishes new rules to protect workers’ mental health
New year, new rule. As of May 2025, all Brazilian companies will be obliged to implement occupational risk management plans that include the mental health of their workers. This requirement stems from the updating of Regulatory Standard No. 1 (NR-1), carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) in August 2024

Possible impacts of ending the 6x1 work schedule on payroll
The 6x1 work schedule, in which employees work for six consecutive days and rest on the seventh, is widely adopted in sectors that operate continuously, such as retail, bars, restaurants, and telemarketing. Recently, the constitutional amendment proposal (PEC) presented by Congresswoman Erika Hilton (PSOL), which aims to extinguish this schedule and reduce the weekly working hours from 44 to 36, has generated intense debate about its impacts on business.

How to mitigate risks in times of economic instability
On November 28, Finance Minister Fernando Haddad announced a package of fiscal measures aimed at balancing public accounts. The proposals include raising the income tax exemption bracket for monthly incomes of up to R$5,000 and introducing a 10% tax rate for incomes above R$50,000.

How to implement flexible benefits efficiently in your company
Companies that manage to stand out in the market are those that think beyond remuneration, offering benefits that meet the individual needs and preferences of their employees. It is in this context that flexible benefits emerge as a strategic solution, allowing employees to choose what is best for them.