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How financial problems affect mental health

When a person faces financial difficulties, such as debt, sudden loss of income or unexpected expenses, the psychological impact is almost immediate. Anxiety and stress are some of the most common consequences, caused by uncertainty about the future, the need to pay the bills on time or the inability to maintain the desired lifestyle.

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The importance of ergonomics for the workplace

Ergonomics plays a fundamental role in promoting health and well-being in various aspects of everyday life, especially in the workplace. In a world where a large part of our time is dedicated to work, the importance of an ergonomic environment becomes even more evident, directly influencing the quality of life and efficiency of employees.

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Factors that influence the cost and readjustments of health plans

The cost of health plans is determined by a series of factors involving the personal characteristics of the beneficiaries, specific characteristics of the plan, as well as economic and regulatory aspects. This cost is readjusted periodically, which is essential to maintain the sustainability of the services provided.

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What are flexible benefits and why should you offer them to your employees?

In the corporate environment, benefits are key to attracting and retaining talent. They are not limited to salary and are essential for ensuring employee satisfaction and well-being. In addition to financial benefits such as meal vouchers and health insurance, they also include professional development programs, flexible working hours, remote working, paid leave, financial aid for education, and other similar benefits.

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Corporate benefits: why offer the best benefits to your employees?

Corporate benefits represent a significant differentiator for companies in today's highly competitive environment. By offering incentives beyond salary, they not only attract qualified talent, but also retain engaged and satisfied professionals. This, in turn, can contribute to employee productivity and a positive company image, crucial factors for success.

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Health insurance fraud: increase in cases raises alarm bells

Cases of health insurance fraud have frequently appeared in the news. Big companies have noticed and taken action over the misuse of the reimbursement benefit, which can lead to considerable financial losses. This is what happened, for example, with Itaú and the CCR Group.

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Life insurance: What is it and how does it work?

Como funciona o seguro de vida?

O seguro de vida oferece aos beneficiários, como a família do segurado, o pagamento de uma indenização no caso da sua morte, por exemplo, o que proporciona proteção financeira para garantir o sustento da família e reduz o impacto financeiro da ausência do principal provedor.

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