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Company dental insurance for employees

Oral health has been part of the Unified Health System (SUS) since 2004, with the creation of the “Smiling Brazil” program.

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The importance of oral health for an individual’s well-being is undeniable. However, it can be difficult to get an appointment with a dentist in the public health system; there are even patients who have been waiting a long time for a root canal in some places in the country.

Thus, many companies have started to offer dental insurance as a benefit for their employees. Besides valuing the collaborator’s quality of life, dental treatment also helps to increase their self-esteem.

What is dental insurance?

Dental insurance is like a health plan focused on oral health.

Unlike what many may think, the investment to contract dental insurance is increasingly affordable. Furthermore, the pre-contract analysis is quick, even though in some scenarios it is necessary to answer a questionnaire about pre-existing conditions.

Coverage of major specialties:

Consultations and diagnostics;

Emergency care for pain relief;

Radiology: in-office X-rays and panoramic radiographs;

Pediatric dentistry: dental treatment for infants and children;

Restorative dentistry: fillings;

Periodontics: gum disease treatment;

Endodontics: root canal treatment;

In-office surgery;


Why offer dental insurance to your employees?

The aim of corporate benefits is to take care of the employees’ health and help them develop healthy habits, thus, the employee will have a better quality of life, and motivation, reduce turnover, and attract talent.

At Pryor Global, we work together with the best insurance companies and operators in the market.

Talk to one of our specialists right now!

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