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Changing the hospital network in health insurance coverage: find out what has changed

In August 2023, the Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) approved new rules for changes in the hospital network of health insurance operators. Initially, these rules were due to come into force on March 1 this year, but the deadline was extended to September 1, 2024. The ANS explained that this extension was necessary to give operators and the agency itself time to adjust their systems to the changes brought about by the new rules.


From sending to receiving: understanding international transfers

In the globalized world we live in, sending money to another country has never been easier, because of technological advances and the expansion of international financial services. At the touch of a button in an app or by filling in a few online forms, it's possible to make transfers to friends, family, or business partners anywhere in the world.


Corporate paralegal: find out how this professional works

The paralegal service involves the support provided by professionals, known as paralegals, to lawyers, law firms or legal departments. Paralegals assist with various legal tasks, helping to simplify the process and improve overall efficiency. Although paralegals cannot practice law or advise independently, they play a key role in the legal system.


New IOF rate: find out how much you will pay in 2024

Os brasileiros estão familiarizados com o IOF (Imposto sobre Operações Financeiras), pois é uma taxa que incide em diversas transações financeiras realizadas no país. Ele é regulamentado pelo governo federal e pode variar de acordo com o tipo de operação. Além das operações de câmbio, o imposto é aplicado em operações de crédito, como empréstimos e financiamentos, seguros, operações com títulos e valores mobiliários, entre outras.


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