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The benefits of hiring the tax address service

The tax address service is a simple and secure alternative to open your business in Brazil

When opening any company, there are a series of obligations to be fulfilled by the entrepreneur. In addition to the National Registry of Legal Entities (CNPJ), it is necessary to have the respective registrations, licenses and permits so that the business can legally operate. Likewise, providing truthful information is an important part of this process.

The type of business, the services and/or products offered, as well as the tax address, are some of the information that must be provided to the competent bodies. The address is not merely a formality and will be used for sending notifications and communications regarding taxation, for example. It is not the same thing as a business address, which is where a business properly operates.

In general, companies that have State Registration (IE) for the collection of ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services) are required to inform a tax address that is different from the residential address of its owner. The same goes for industries, which must follow building specifications, in addition to health surveillance guidelines, to carry out their activities. Other cases can be consulted in municipal and state legislation.

For foreign companies that do not physically operate in Brazil, the tax address can be an inconvenience. After all, it is necessary to own a property or be authorized by the owner to inform the address to the proper legal entities. In addition, it entails costs and takes time for those who already face the common difficulties of operating in another country.

In such cases, it is possible to hire a company that offers the tax address service. This is a simple and secure alternative to obtain the famous CNPJ, register with the Board of Trade and finally open your business in Brazil.

By hiring a tax address, you avoid spending on rent and on the maintenance of a property, which can considerably compromise the budget of any business. In addition, the company that provides the service will be responsible for receiving your mail and sending it to you wherever you are. Even if your establishment has to change its business address, the tax address will be fixed.

Choosing a strategic location for the tax address can also attract and retain clients. Located in the heart of the city of São Paulo, on Paulista Avenue, Pryor Global offers the service of tax addresses for companies that do not have state registration. Contact our team.

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