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Among emerging countries, Brazil is the one that receives the most foreign investment

Brazil was also the third country that received the most foreign direct investment in 2022

According to the Confidence Index for Foreign Direct Investment, from international consultancy Kearney, Brazil ranks seventh among the emerging countries most sought after by foreign investors. The study analyzed the performance of 25 nations, and Brazil was ranked below China, India, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Thailand, and Saudi Arabia.

This is the first time in 25 years that Kearney has gathered data on investor interest in emerging markets.

According to information from the Central Bank (BC), foreign investment in Brazil reached the mark of US$ 90 billion in 2022. This amount represents a net inflow of contributions to the productive sector that is double that recorded in the previous year and the best performance of the national market since 2012 when the country received US$ 92 billion.

According to the OECD, Brazil ranked third among the main destinations for foreign direct investment in 2022.

A report from the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD) shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) in Brazil increased by an impressive 68% in 2022, reaching US$ 85 billion. This amount placed Brazil as the third largest global destination for FDI, behind only the United States (with $318 billion) and China (with $180 billion).

The OECD attributes this movement to increased reinvestment of corporate profits as well as moves in companies’ internal debts.

In addition…

Brazil is a country rich in natural resources, including water, energy, and fertile agricultural land. This abundance of resources can be considered a competitive advantage in a world where resource scarcity is a growing concern.

With a population of more than 210 million people, the Brazilian domestic market is large and diverse, and offers many opportunities for foreign investors in various sectors of the economy, such as agribusiness, mining, oil and gas, technology, and financial services, presenting potential for investment.

Brazil’s strategic geographic location, with an extensive coastline and proximity to other Latin American countries, is an important factor for foreign investment in the country. As one of the largest countries in the region, Brazil can be an access point to other Latin American nations, becoming a gateway for business expansion in the region.

 The resumption of trade negotiations with other countries can be seen as a signal to foreign investors that the new government is committed to making high-impact agreements possible. The opening of trade may allow for the entry of new products and services, in addition to expanding access to other markets.

How to enter the Brazilian market?

 Foreign companies that want to establish themselves in Brazil can count on Pryor Global to represent them in all instances. We have been representing multinational companies in the country for over 27 years, acting within the best practices and in accordance with Brazilian legislation.

 How about a conversation to learn more about our services?

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